Hawkesbury Remakery is a Makerspace with a difference. We support the ‘everyday’ maker in the Hawkesbury. Our general ethos is to encourage the emerging and new makers in the Hawkesbury. We also have a sustainability focus and encourage the development of ‘upcycled’ artworks.
We are offering 5 places in a makers in residence program. This is a non residential position for up to 12 months. Makers will have a space,mentorship, exhibition opportunities and funding to the value $3600 over the first 6 months. This includes contribution to rent of the space, materials, exhibition costs, promotion and equipment support. There are no additional costs for the space and opportunity from our side.
We are looking for artists and artisans across any medium but particularly
Selection Process
Each expression of interest will be assessed by a selection committee using the selection criteria. Submit by 12th MAy 2021
Selection Criteria
How to submit a Proposal
Please complete the Expression of Interest form and submit it with the required support material.
• Artist CV/Portfolio
• Up to 10 examples of current work(Digital images can be submitted by email or Dropbox link)
Please do not submit original works with your application.
You can either post your application to:
Hawkesbury Remakery
126 George st
Or email your application to: info@hawkesburyremakery.com.au
With the subject line Expression of Interest – Makers in Residence
If you have any questions, please call Liz Germani on (02)45 878 958 or email info@hawkesburyremakery.com.au
Makers in Residence
Expression of Interest Form (docx)
Download•The C.L.A.S.S (Creative Lifestyle and Sustainability Skills) program is a regular creative workshop for selected community members who can benefit from social connectivity and build transferable skills to enhance wellbeing.
Specialist Makers will take participants through creative activities. Makers will share their skills and knowledge in jewellery making, fabric dyeing, basketry, mosaic and much more.
Guest talks from business mentors including Western Sydney Business Centre to provide information on developing a small business. Makers each week will share their business journey, experiences and tips. Concepts like photographing products, sing social media and market stalls will be explored.
email your expression of interest or enquiries to: info@hawkesburyremakery.com.au
With the subject line Expression of Interest – CLASS program
Flyer- Makers C.L.A.S.S program
DownloadThere are so many ways to get involved in our arts community. Drop us a line to find out about events, volunteer opportunities, membership and how to donate your unwanted goods!
CURRENTLY- We are open Wed - Sun from 10-3pm
Social distancing measures are in place so you can browse, pickup or drop off donations
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